Practice Tips for Diagrammatic Reasoning Tests
Each of us think, learn and assimilate new things at different pace. To score high at diagrammatic reasoning tests some people may need shorter course of practice than the others. The below paragraphs present hints and tips to help you prepare for diagrammatic test.
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Practice relevant diagrammatic questions
In order to obtain high score attempt to practice similar questions to those you will be administered during your selection exercise. It is important to familiarise yourselves with question style and test format to gain deeper understanding of challenges involved. To improve at diagrammatic reasoning, a number of test takers not only find helpful practicing similar questions to those that are likely to come up but also they find useful to get familiar with abstract, logical and inductive tests. Undertaking thorough practice for these assessments will help you improve your abstract aptitude to process information quickly and accurately.
Carefully examine diagrams
As mentioned in previous tutorials diagrammatic reasoning tests assess your analytical, critical and problem solving skills. Usually in diagrammatic tests diagrams consist of inputs, operators and outputs. Operators determine the effect on input in order to produce output. It may the case that in some exercises especially in advanced ones the effects of the operators will not be defined. It may be your task to determine the effects of each of the operators would have on input in order to produce output. Hence it is important that you closely examine diagrams to apply accurate set of rules to inputs and outputs. See some examples of common diagrammatic reasoning tests.
Use scrap paper during the test
As diagrammatic reasoning exercises are fast paced assessment where you will have to work under high degree of time pressure it is imperative that you stay organised throughout the test to make most of your time. Usually, each diagram may assume number of different operators hence you may need to find the effect of few operators before you would be able to answer the test question. It may be sensible to jot the effects of operators on scrap paper in case you forget one effect meanwhile searching for the other. Hence, during your diagrammatic reasoning test have some scrap paper with pen at hand.
Practice ahead of time
Remember, your brain needs to assimilate and get used to new learnt methods to process abstract symbols or sequences presented in flow charts of diagrammatic reasoning tests. If you have not practiced in the past it may take a while until your brain fully assimilates new learnt methods in order to answer questions quickly and accurately. You should start to see some improvements in your tests score after a month long practice where you will need to practice at least two to three hours every day.
Don't give up during your practice
If your score does not improve during the first two weeks do not panic but rather maintain your course of preparation. Remember, your score will improve with necessary commitment. It is important not to give up particularly at the early stages where number of people may start to think that diagrammatic reasoning tests are impossible to prepare for. Thorough practice over an extended period of time helps your brain assimilate new learnt things. With each practice make it your goal to improve your test taking techniques and strategies.