Inductive Reasoning Test Help Guide

Often many people tend to swap inductive reasoning tests for deductive tests. It is important to note that inductive reasoning refers to making broad generalisations from specific observations. That is, you make number of observations, create pattern and then you infer explanations, rules or theories. In opposite, deductive reasoning starts with examination of wide range of possibilities to reach a specific goal or logical conclusion. In this guide we will present some of the most important things you need to know to be well prepared for employer inductive tests.



What is inductive reasoning

Your aim for this section is to learn basics about inductive reasoning tests in order to know what to expect in such assessments.

Frequent test patterns

Inductive reasoning tests also called non-verbal assessments are made of sequence of images that contain different shapes and symbols. Often it will be your task to inspect the images and decide what makes them similar or different to find out what image will come next in the sequence. Note that you will be making examining the pictures to see patterns based on the number of items in the picture, size, colour or shape of items or any related moves or turns shapes may be subjected to. Hence your goal for this chapter is to get familiar with different patterns used in inductive reasoning tests in order to become more effective at spotting and inferring the correct answers. This tutorial will provide you with real practice example questions and will demonstrate necessary on the same.

Take free inductive reasoning test

The above link allows you to take free test to see how you might do on similar employer assessments. It consists of 12 questions for which you will have 12 minutes to complete. Your goals for taking this assessment are as follows:

Tips to succeed in inductive tests

You know yourself the best and perhaps you know what works for you and what doesn't hence you can chose and adopt the best and most effective learning strategy that works for you the best. Nevertheless there are certain things you should be aware of that may help you to boost your score. This section will present you with helpful tips to take improve upon your performance.

Mistakes to avoid

To speed up your learning it is important that you don't reinvent the wheel. Learn from slips and falls of others. Note that during the selection process you will be allowed to take the test only once so you need to be well prepared to gain respectable score. In this section you can review some of the frequent mistakes that test takers tend to make when completing the assessment. Find out: