Job Interview Tips

At times it may be difficult to give an advice as what is the best strategy to ace the interview to land your dream job as there are as many interviewers as interviewees. However, there are some general sets of rules that may increase your chances of success. Please, see below hints and tips on how to succeed in job interview.



It is not about you!

Remember, work employment interview is not about you. You have to sell yourself as the best person for the role and you only have one chance to impress and show that you possess the right set of skills, abilities, attitude and experience to succeed. Think in terms of employer, their needs and how you can fill their requirements for particular role. The main purpose of the interview is to see how your competencies fit with demands of the job. For further tips see our guide on how to answer competency based questions in a job interview to tailor your answers to impress the employer.


Find your unique selling point

You need to understand what makes you stand out or what sets you apart from other candidates. Identify and communicate at least five strengths that differentiate you from others who might have similar set of skills or experience as you have. Look at your strengths from recruiter perspective and tailor the answer to position you apply for. Make it to the point and try to see how employer would benefit. Having a unique selling point is a key to making sure that you can stand apart from the crowd.


Conduct research

Before going for interview, research the company and be prepared to answer questions about organisation products, services, customers, competitors or market trends and challenges. Find out as much information as possible about company executives and person who will conduct the interview. Good preparation will boost your self confidence and give the hiring manager assurance in your interest for job. Remember, being prepared even over-prepared is not a bad thing.


Be energetic

Even if you are lonely wolf, try to be friendly, energetic, positive and avoid talking negatively about anything including your previous employer, colleagues, people or experiences. Show that you are excited about the prospects of getting the job and joining the company. Let hiring manager see that you are passionate person that tackles things with dedication and enthusiasm.


Fight for yourself

Be willing to fight for yourself. Even though some things might not go the way you want them to go don't give up but rather fight and prove that you have drive, passion and dedication to succeed. This will come across to the interviewer and that confidence and drive to succeed will go a long way in getting you an offer.


Ask questions

If the recruiter asks if you have any questions be inquisitive and ready to ask some insightful questions about the company or role itself. This will inspire confidence in the interviewer and will emphasise your interest in joining the organization. Nevertheless at this stage avoid asking questions about salary, benefits or other things that you can easily find from the company website.

Job Interview Tips
At times it may be difficult to give an advice as what is the best strategy to ace the interview to land your dream job as there are as many interviewers as interviewees. However, there are some general sets of rules that may increase your chances of success. Please, see below hints and tips on how to succeed in job interview.
It is not about you!
Remember, work employment interview is not about you. You have to sell yourself as the best person for the job or role and you only have one chance to impress and show that you possess the right set of skills, abilities, attitude and experience to succeed. Think in terms of employer, their needs and how you can fill their requirements for particular role. The main purpose of the job interview is to see how your competencies fit with demands of the job.